Fourth Circuit Considers Arbitration Waiver, Permitting Claims under Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) to be Arbitrated
by Andrew Flake
A new Fourth Circuit opinion reminds us of the analysis required when parties arguing that federal statutory claims should be excluded from arbitration. In Espin v. Citibank, N.A., returning military personnel brought claims under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), a statute providing credit-related...
No Sovereign Immunity in Nigerian Trade Zone Dispute; D.C. Circuit Affirms New York Convention Applies to Broad Range of Investor-State Arbitral Awards
by Andrew Flake
When does a foreign government, under its commerce-related treaties, move from acting as a sovereign to acting as a business partner in a deal, thereby submitting to arbitration of claims by private parties involved in the deal?
Another Lock Sealed: Second Circuit Applies ZF Automotive to Foreclose Section 1782 Discovery in ICSID Arbitration
by Andrew Flake
In an earlier post on the ZF Automotive decision, I projected that there was some "play in the joints" for arguing over whether certain tribunals would be considered "foreign or international, but that "for now, we know private commercial arbitration — and even...
Safely Navigating Blind Spots in Litigation: Using Powerful Questions
by Andrew Flake
Over the past few weeks, I've been giving up a large measure of control, embracing the process of change in a fluid, highly-unpredictable, and high-stakes environment: Yes, I've been teaching my teenager to drive. And one of the first scenarios we went through was...
Georgia Court of Appeals Considers “Conduct-Based Waiver” of the Right to Arbitrate
by Andrew Flake
Clash of the forums: Two parties to a contract, an arbitration clause, and a dispute over the breadth of the clause. When the plaintiff files its complaint in court, intending to move forward with litigation, the defendant counters with a motion to compel arbitration.
Mediation Math — The Power of Combinations
by Andrew Flake
As mediators, we often find ourselves at the intersection of complex disputes and seemingly irreconcilable positions. But what if I told you that one of the keys to unlocking creative settlements lies in a simple middle school math concept – combinations? Both of my...
Sixth Circuit Revisits “Closely Related” Doctrine in Forum Selection Disputes
by Andrew Flake
For commercial parties entering into a contract, the opportunity to select where a dispute will be heard is an advantage. Thus it is, in a contract entered into before a dispute arises, we have forum-selection clauses in favor of a particular location and court,...
Generative AI and the Promise of Wider Online Dispute Resolution
by Andrew Flake
Since I took a first look ChatGPT in November 2022, the world of generative AI, in the area of litigation and ADR as elsewhere, has been on a remarkable journey. Recognizing the transformative nature of...
More Than One Way to Loosen the Knot: The Power of Options in Mediation
by Andrew Flake
I have blinds on my office window and one morning not long ago, I noticed a knot, really a tangle, that seemed much larger than I remembered. I decided to untie it, and after a painstaking length of...
The View from Overhead: Garage Doors, Trademark, and Crafting Our Settlements, Part II
by Andrew Flake
An expensive piece of business litigation, particularly in the IP world and with companies interacting on an ongoing basis, always provides us some useful reflection. In our last post, we looked at a protracted piece of...